Print any document in any application to PDF.
Convert one or more images into PDF format.
Create multiple PDF files from multiple JPGs
Create multiple Excel files from multiple PDF
Create multiple HTM/HTML files from PDFs.
Create multiple JPG/JPEG files to PDF.
Create multiple MS Word documents from PDFs.
Create multiple PS files from multiple PDFs.
Extract content from one or more PDF files.
Create multiple TIFF files from PDFs.
Create multiple PDF files from multiple PS.
Create PDF files from many text files.
Convert one or many XML files into PDFs.
Convert many EPS files into multiple PDFs.
Convert multiple EPUB book files into PDFs.
Extract attachments from multiple PDF files.
Extract emails from one or more PDF files.
Vertically append many PDF files.
Convert multiple LIT book files into PDFs.
Convert one or more MDI files into PDF format
Convert one or more MOBI files into PDFs
Convert several Outlook MSG files to PDF.
Add page numbers to each page of your PDFs.
Change general document information in PDFs.
Find text differences between two PDFs.
Count pages, words, characters, etc. in PDFs.
Get title, author, subject, keyword in PDFs.
In one or more PDF files, extract images.
Attempt to remove passwords from your PDFs.
Compress the file size of one or more PDFs.
Change the filenames of one or more PDF files
Search one or more PDF files for characters.
Split one or more PDF files into smaller ones
Add picture watermark to one or more PDF file
Find PDF word, character and frequency count.
Convert multiple PNG files to PDF files.
Convert Photoshop PSD files to PDF files.
Rename PDF filenames using metadata.
Rotate many PDF files at once by 90, 180, 270
Save multiple web pages to PDF by address.
Convert multiple VCFs to PDF files.
Convert one or more XPS files into PDF format

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